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Singapore needs to be nuked.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:41 pm
by Grim Reaper
I just hate Singapore and the boring lifestyle there. The people are boring with many of them coming here to work as Mission Managers at elite law schools...BeAussie you know what I mean!

But above all I hate that country for how they treated the mother of Van Nguyen. She did not deserve to be treated like that and to not be allowed to hug her son is disgusting. Her son may have done an evil deed but she should not be punished for his actions......but now she has.

Considering those cretins did stuff all in World War II to get rid of the Japanese who took over their country, it had to be up to the Australian diggers to liberate them. If this is their gratitude we should just piss them off once and for all.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:25 pm
by Beaussie
He broke the law and paid the ultimate price with his life. Still no excuse for the treatment his mother suffered at the hands of the government of Singapore.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:59 pm
by Grim Reaper