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Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:54 am
by docker24
Isn't it just easier and beneficial to ban KE

Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:51 am
by King-Eliagh

'Another one bites the dust'


Seeya wookie. Your stance on Adam goodes was disgraceful bro ;) so ahhhh good riddance to ye ;)

Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:53 am
by King-Eliagh
And dont you come back now.

And if anything you got out of here? I hope you now don't support and provide a platform for racists to boo their boos. [-X [-( [-X

Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:55 am
by King-Eliagh
Sorry to be so harsh to yA wook. But a mod who takes free license to change statuses and deny their fukk ups like you did? :lol: we don't need em ;)

Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:01 pm
by King-Eliagh
docker24 wrote:
Isn't it just easier and beneficial to ban KE



Re: Im done.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:43 pm
by ParraEelsNRL
The_Wookie wrote:
I dont have the time I need to moderate this place properly, and moderation is futile in this forum in any case. This place doesnt need moderation. It needs burning to the ground.

Ill stay on until beaussie finds a replacement or something, but its unlikely Ill be posting here further. This is a courtesy, as Im fairly sure none of you care one way or another.

never a truer word spoken here :lol:

Re: Im done.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:12 pm
by Beaussie
Truly sad to hear we are losing Wookie as admin/mod. I do hope you at least continue to post whenever you can Wook. As I've said elsewhere, you're seen as a voice of reason by many, myself included round here. Perhaps you're the only sane one in this cesspool.

Re: Im done.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:09 am
by AFLcrap1
I think the dead weight of braindead fumble fans dragged Wookie down .
To be lumped into the same category as
Bea post & run
Dumbo .words cannot describe the stupidity or the continuous running from debating his lies

Has worn him down

Re: Im done.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:51 am
by leagueiscrap
AFLcrap1 wrote:
I think the dead weight of braindead fumble fans dragged Wookie down .
To be lumped into the same category as
Bea post & run
Dumbo .words cannot describe the stupidity or the continuous running from debating his lies

Has worn him down
Hey spazza why are major of the users here nrlol fans & why is nearly ever thread filled up with deflection and dribble!

It's the NRLOL fans bringing this place down as you basement dwellers are pretty much the other fans who bother posting on TF regularly
Well done looser taking the usual nrlol roy masters approach!

Re: Im done.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:44 pm
by AFLcrap1
Deflection & dribble .
Surely you jest .

The king of deflection is you Dumbo .
You continuously post lies or utter shit then won't reply or talk about your bizarre claims .
When you grow a set ,come into the Rating box theory thread I made to discuss your claims .

Can you give me a reason why you are avoiding it .lol lol lol
I have bumped it over & over ,but you won't discuss it .

Or your Souths membership claim .
Or your Melb storm leagues club claim
Or your no NRL teams outside Qld or NSW .
Or any of your other crap claims .

No wonder you didn't like Wookie .
He laughed at you like every one else does

Even when you threatened him with legal action .

Even when you bitched about me supposedly sending PMs to him as a mod .
His reply .

You send more PMs then all other posters combined .
Your a gutless sook .


Re: Im done.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:49 am
by leeroy*NRL*
Oh Boy

Re: Im done.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:46 am
by leagueiscrap
AFLcrap1 wrote:
Deflection & dribble .
Surely you jest .

The king of deflection is you Dumbo .
You continuously post lies or utter shit then won't reply or talk about your bizarre claims .
When you grow a set ,come into the Rating box theory thread I made to discuss your claims .

Can you give me a reason why you are avoiding it .lol lol lol
I have bumped it over & over ,but you won't discuss it .

Or your Souths membership claim .
Or your Melb storm leagues club claim
Or your no NRL teams outside Qld or NSW .
Or any of your other crap claims .

No wonder you didn't like Wookie .
He laughed at you like every one else does

Even when you threatened him with legal action .

Even when you bitched about me supposedly sending PMs to him as a mod .
His reply .

You send more PMs then all other posters combined .
Your a gutless sook .

:(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/
coming from a flog that gives out his personal information then goes crying to the mods claiming people are stalking him and have giving out his personal information

fucken ****** spazza, your never posted anything relevant, just deflecting, stalking, trolling threads editing posts to suit your own trolling agenda

so spazza why is it mainly only NRLOL supports post in this dump? :)))

Re: Im done.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:06 am
by AFLcrap1
The above rant is why you are laughed at .

You ignored my post which highlighted how gutless you are .You won't discuss any claims you make .
You just deflect or rant that I edit your posts .


& then claim I give out personal info ...I don't ,never have .
Only info was where I live .
You got my name bystalking with your fumbler mates .

& lol at crying to the mods

Here once again is what Wookie said when you made the claim/lie .

Postby The_Wookie ยป Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:00 am

Im not going to post exact content, I was putting your lies in context. AFLCrap has never complained in PM about any of the shit you were talking about. And dont you dare fucking lecture me about abusing people on this forum. You are singlehandedly the worst poster Ive come across on any forum ever. Go on post like this on Bigfooty, see where it gets you.

Aw you left out my favorite ones - the ones where you begged me to do something about people calling you names while you continued to call others name, and the all time great ones about your completely fictional storm leagues club.

Your a whiny bitch. AFLCrap has never pm'd me whining about shit.
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
:_<> :_<> :_<> :_<>

Re: Im done.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:13 am
by Beaussie
The_Wookie wrote:
Sooo....Ive had a change of plans. Ill be staying on for a while, but in a much less angry way :p

Great news. Good on ya Wookie :afro:

Re: Im done.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:30 am
by ParraEelsNRL
The_Wookie wrote:
Sooo....Ive had a change of plans. Ill be staying on for a while, but in a much less angry way :p

Hmmm, must of found a decent stash behind the lounge chair :?>