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Recollections of and Comparisons with All Time Greats

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:55 pm
by King-Eliagh
:wave: :\: :wave:

Hi people. I'd like to share my thoughts on three All Time Greats.

These being Andrew Johns, Michael Jordan and Yours Truly :oops:

All of us are definitely in this category and there are two things that separate us from the rest. We've all had time out of our areas of Greatness and except for Joey Johns (note: he will return to greatness) we've all made quite remarkable comebacks. The other point is we all have been able to perform in remarkable circumstances where either ill health or foul play have been factors. Personally in the current situation I have achieved both. :cool:

I recall Michael Jordan scoring some 50+ points in a final after he'd been bedridden with a nasty flu for the week....Truly Great. And I remember Andrew Johns being knocked unconscious through foul play in an origin match and coming back to be man of the match in a terrific individual performance. Truly....Great. :)

And now onto myself. After a trip into the desert and depriving myself of sleep I come back to find yes I am still on top. As if the sleep deprivation wasnt enough I find the games virtually unplayable due to some timing error where the games will go slow and then fast in sudden uncontrollable jolts. I could only compare it to playing blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back. Yet while severely handicapped, possibly due to foul play, I manage to raise the level yet again and snatch two more All Time Greatest High Scores!!!

I must be the Greatest!!! :lol: Infact I'm beginning to feel The Greatest is not fully describing what I have done :lol:

KE's Weekly Tip on how to achieve Greatness

You're either born with it....or you're not :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:55 am
by Harold
Can we arrange for the doorway to be somehow enlarged, KE's head doesn't fit through there anymore. He's trapped next to the computer :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:25 am
by King-Eliagh
Harry I will try to be nice.

In your past life you were a peasant who started out wanking off donkeys and rubbing their cum on your face to the bemusement of others for half a carrot to eat. Then you were stoned to death.

In your current life you fantasise about stuffing a carrot up the ass of a blowup doll in the character of prince harry.

I have nothing more to say about you. :)
