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Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:01 pm
by AFLcrap1

I think between the racism & the "unwritten " One Whitey parent rule we are now seeing the results of what happens when you let clubs,club bosses etc getaway with racism. ... ng/5796048

Indigenous AFL player numbers drop result of 'equity issue', says sports physician
105.7 ABC Darwin
By Emilia Terzon

Posted October 09, 2014 09:49:28

Indigenous football player numbers at the top level are dropping in the AFL despite the addition of two teams, according to statistics by an Adelaide-based sports physician.

The number of Indigenous players in the AFL, including rookie players, decreased from 90 in 2009 to 68 in 2014, said Dr Geoffrey Verrall, Chair of Training for the Australian College of Sports Physicians.

Dr Verrall told 105.7 ABC Darwin that he is not sure if the "fairly steady downward spiral" in Indigenous player numbers since 2009 is due to a cyclical trend or a larger issue within the national sporting league.

"On the premise that this is not a cyclical issue but a consequence of the current system, you'd have to say that there's not as much opportunity for Indigenous people to be selected in the draft.

"I believe this is an equity issue and I believe the AFL should be looking at trying to make the draft possibilities for everybody as equal as possible."

Indigenous players drafted out of the Northern Territory in the last few decades include Andrew McLeod, Peter Burgoyne, the late Maurice Rioli and current Hawthorn player Cyril Rioli.

Equity issues in the Territory include access to recruitment programs, training, medical and fitness services, particularly in remote communities.

Dr Verrall said the league had certainly committed itself to recruiting and supporting Indigenous players at all levels but it needs to further look at its policy options.

"To have three Indigenous players drafted in 2013, I think there could be ways to increase that," he said.

He said quotas or a US-style college-based athletics system might not be the right solutions for the AFL, but the latter has led to obvious benefits.

"Its positive effects has been the number of college and high school women's athletics has increased 10 times in the last 30 years, which is far above the increase we've experienced in our society.

"In the college system it certainly works."

Dr Verrall said one positive takeout from his research was that Indigenous players have a high chance of playing a game once drafted to the AFL.

"Over the last 15 years, if you draft an Indigenous player, there's a 75 per cent chance they'll actually play a game [whereas] if you draft a non-Indigenous player there's a 68 per cent chance they'll make an AFL debut."

Player decline 'hard to dispute'

Jason Mifsud, AFL head of diversity, told 105.7 ABC Darwin that it is "hard to dispute" that Indigenous player numbers have dropped in the league since 2009.

"That's a statistical fact we're actually aware of," said Mr Mifsud.

"[Mr Verrall] did mention that it could be cyclical and we're of the belief that is a component of why these numbers have diminished over the last couple of years."

Mr Mifsud said the "real challenge" for the AFL's Indigenous player numbers revolves around the issue of retention and keeping Indigenous players at the top level of their game for the longest possible time.

He said the league's clubs have been working on a range of cultural policies to increase retention of Indigenous players.

Hawthorn Football Club and West Coast Eagles have both recruited Indigenous mentors or liaisons, he said.

Teaching non-Indigenous players and club employees about Indigenous culture is also playing an important part in increasing retention.

"It's about how do you empower and encourage non-Aboriginal people to have a greater insight and understanding of where a lot of Aboriginal people come from socially, culturally, emotionally and spiritually.

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, we all carry those additional responsibilities and cultural loads."

Mr Mifsud also said it was "premature" to implement targets or quotas in the league.

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:21 pm
by King-Eliagh
Woeful...and this when the national % of the Indigenous population has increased at a rate never before seen in Australia over the past 6 or so years.

I've discussed the need for the AFL to work more with remote Aboriginal communities and the hicks in here like TLPG and others all tried to shoot me down suggesting the AFL does all it can and if they try more they'll ruin communities. The most unconscious racist thing I've heard in years this rubbish. It's mentioned in the article that the AFL need to review their policy, targets prob aren't the best way. They should start with addressing the inherent racism and then work on partnerships and funding remote communities for increased participation and opportunities. Hard work but well worth it if its done right.

The afl will likely do nothing tho and instead fund millions towards supporting entirely useless pursuits in India and China.

Again that organisation never ceases to astound us how woeful it is on this stuff. [-X [-X [-X

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:53 pm
by King-Eliagh
Sorry wook, that's all very good but it is in stark contrast to the pervasive persistent condoned presence of racism in the afl. Additionally if the afl were serious about the nt aboriginal afl communities they'd develop a team there. Instead they expect em to assimilate to melbs or only recruit this with atleast one white parent.

It's just not good enuff wook, you need to admit that champ ;)


Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:30 pm
by PerfectToATee
King-Eliagh wrote:
A no brainer folks :/; ... 0802f.html


Its true guys, the southern more isolated, less multicultural states and fans of their preferred footy code 'marngrook' are more racist. There's simply no doubting it and it can be backed up by theories of multiculturalism and ethnocentricity, as well as others.

Just admit it guys, its poor form not to. :|
Another cheap shot. I'm still laughing that you paid your perfectly good and hard earned money to head to the AFL GF. Thanks for your 2014 support :)

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:10 pm
by King-Eliagh
The_Wookie wrote:
Your talking out your arse.

1) they have a team there, its called the NT Thunder and plays in the NEAFL.
2) they have the flying boomerangs, which is specifically an aboriginal side
Get ur hand off it wookie ya stoopid modbitch. There is no afl team in the territory. There should be tho. They really can't claim it's a national comp without it.

The afl are only keen on cash, moolah, a greed that, along with their extreme arrogance, will bring em down, as it is doing in western syd :lol:

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:32 pm
by King-Eliagh
Ahhh excuse me, I won't have you going all angry emo on me now! [-(

No I simply won't have it. [-(

Grow up and stop ur whinging wookie, it's a bad look and damaging ur rep. And while ur at it please explain where I said the afl do nuttin? They don't, they do next to nuttin in regards to reducing racism. And their programs with aboriginal communities in the nt are tokenistic and shallow. A more successful pathway, if they were legit about it, would be a team in Darwin. You clear now me emo bro?

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:23 am
by King-Eliagh
^^^ Jesus ya can almost see the steam blowin out his ears :lol:

Ahh yes I do wookie ya silly chuuuunt. I know the deal.

Now Listen and listen clear you I'll tempered emotionally unstable modbitch. Remote communities in the nt are what you might call afl heartland. Pretty much every community, no matter how much poverty and governmental neglect, has a marngrook footy field and several very talented players. The afl could do shitloads more to develop culturally appropriate pathways and they'd show a real commitment by placing a pro team in Darwin, a place which is very accessible to these communities. But. They don't.

And don't you dare tell me what I know and what I don't know about this you angry aggressive lil modbitch. [-X

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:32 pm
by King-Eliagh
^^^ can't read because he's too angry and emo at me showing him up.

Again wookie you need to concentrate, where did I say all of the nt is afl heartland?

Read again you angry bastard! And before you do I want you to have a chamomile tea, sniff some lavender and put on your enya cd, the "sail away" track should be a good start.

If the afl will never have a team in Darwin then they should be more open about their one white parent policy. A southern comp which doesn't care about those up north who love the sport but speak another language. [-X

Just admit I'm right wookie. It'll be better for your reputation :lol:

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:27 am
by King-Eliagh
Ahhh yeah and since when are remote aboriginal communities in the nt = to the entire nt? You dickhead the remote communities don't even make up a quarter of the nt population. But the remote communities def don't have rl as their sport of choice.

Jesus wookie, either your anger is completely blinding you to the reality or your ignorant to it.

My guess? Both :lol:

Wookie, king-Eliagh's modbitch since 2014 :lol:

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:29 am
by King-Eliagh
Admit I'm right wookie or else ur reps goin doooooowwwwnn :<>

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:06 am
by leagueiscrap
King-Eliagh wrote:
Woeful...and this when the national % of the Indigenous population has increased at a rate never before seen in Australia over the past 6 or so years.

I've discussed the need for the AFL to work more with remote Aboriginal communities and the hicks in here like TLPG and others all tried to shoot me down suggesting the AFL does all it can and if they try more they'll ruin communities. The most unconscious racist thing I've heard in years this rubbish. It's mentioned in the article that the AFL need to review their policy, targets prob aren't the best way. They should start with addressing the inherent racism and then work on partnerships and funding remote communities for increased participation and opportunities. Hard work but well worth it if its done right.

The afl will likely do nothing tho and instead fund millions towards supporting entirely useless pursuits in India and China.

Again that organisation never ceases to astound us how woeful it is on this stuff. [-X [-X [-X
the AFL spends millions spending time in and with Indigenous. the problem lies deeper with in the communities, what has been around well over a century. :thumbleft:
The big problem with the drop if Indigenous, is the demands, dedication & professionalism it takes to be an AFL player,

CODE hopper Karmichael Hunt has provided a fascinating insight into what he could get away with off the field as an NRL player but couldn’t in the AFL.
The three-sport star is now headed to Super Rugby’s Queensland Reds after four years in the AFL with the Gold Coast Suns.
But his journey started in rugby league, with the Brisbane Broncos, where he says drinking was a bigger part of the culture than in the AFL.
“The demands of AFL footy mean you need to be in peak condition,” Hunt told Triple M’s Grill Team in Brisbane.
“For most of the year you need to be able to knock out 12km or 13km on the weekend.
“In terms of the culture of going out and enjoying yourself after every game, that does not happen whereas in rugby league, because the physical demands are a lot lighter compared to AFL, you could find boys out enjoying themselves.
“I certainly did when I was younger because I knew that the next week it would not affect me.”

Hunt said the biggest issue he had in adapting from rugby league to AFL was the extra running.
At the Broncos, he weighed in at roughly 93kg. Hunt reached as much as 100kg as rugby player in France in 2009-10, while that weight dropped down to 87kg as an AFL player.
“It wasn’t that I couldn’t play the game,” Hunt said.
“Other than the running capacity and the ability to cover the ground like the boys obviously do so well in the AFL, I could play.”
The 27-year-old added that he was happy to be going back to a code, in rugby union, that better suited his physical make-up.
“I’m looking forward to the future. My body shape, genetics and all that will probably agree with me that I’m going back to a game that will better suit me.” ... 7045087963

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:30 pm
by King-Eliagh
^^^ :shock: :shock: :shock:

Wow, the lack of relevance to the argument being discussed, the ignorance of the context and issues at hand, along with the woeful use of English language and grammar is utterly mind boggling.

He's back on the metho folks. Someone reach out to him. I simply cant to a racist who identifies Aboriginal people as "the problem" [-X

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:33 pm
by AFLcrap1
leagueiscrap wrote:
King-Eliagh wrote:
Woeful...and this when the national % of the Indigenous population has increased at a rate never before seen in Australia over the past 6 or so years.

I've discussed the need for the AFL to work more with remote Aboriginal communities and the hicks in here like TLPG and others all tried to shoot me down suggesting the AFL does all it can and if they try more they'll ruin communities. The most unconscious racist thing I've heard in years this rubbish. It's mentioned in the article that the AFL need to review their policy, targets prob aren't the best way. They should start with addressing the inherent racism and then work on partnerships and funding remote communities for increased participation and opportunities. Hard work but well worth it if its done right.

The afl will likely do nothing tho and instead fund millions towards supporting entirely useless pursuits in India and China.

Again that organisation never ceases to astound us how woeful it is on this stuff. [-X [-X [-X
the AFL spends millions spending time in and with Indigenous. the problem lies deeper with in the communities, what has been around well over a century. :thumbleft:
The big problem with the drop if Indigenous, is the demands, dedication & professionalism it takes to be an AFL player,

CODE hopper Karmichael Hunt has provided a fascinating insight into what he could get away with off the field as an NRL player but couldn’t in the AFL.
The three-sport star is now headed to Super Rugby’s Queensland Reds after four years in the AFL with the Gold Coast Suns.
But his journey started in rugby league, with the Brisbane Broncos, where he says drinking was a bigger part of the culture than in the AFL.
“The demands of AFL footy mean you need to be in peak condition,” Hunt told Triple M’s Grill Team in Brisbane.
“For most of the year you need to be able to knock out 12km or 13km on the weekend.
“In terms of the culture of going out and enjoying yourself after every game, that does not happen whereas in rugby league, because the physical demands are a lot lighter compared to AFL, you could find boys out enjoying themselves.
“I certainly did when I was younger because I knew that the next week it would not affect me.”

Hunt said the biggest issue he had in adapting from rugby league to AFL was the extra running.
At the Broncos, he weighed in at roughly 93kg. Hunt reached as much as 100kg as rugby player in France in 2009-10, while that weight dropped down to 87kg as an AFL player.
“It wasn’t that I couldn’t play the game,” Hunt said.
“Other than the running capacity and the ability to cover the ground like the boys obviously do so well in the AFL, I could play.”
The 27-year-old added that he was happy to be going back to a code, in rugby union, that better suited his physical make-up.
“I’m looking forward to the future. My body shape, genetics and all that will probably agree with me that I’m going back to a game that will better suit me.” ... 7045087963
:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Maybe the fact that the highest profile indigenous fumbler can have racist jokes made about him & the perpetrator was given a wet lettuce leaf slap as punishment might deter some from being involved..

Plus having 2 non whitey parents is a no no & a big incentive for teams to NOT want A PLAYER.

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:15 pm
by leagueiscrap
King-Eliagh wrote:
^^^ :shock: :shock: :shock:

Wow, the lack of relevance to the argument being discussed, the ignorance of the context and issues at hand, along with the woeful use of English language and grammar is utterly mind boggling.

He's back on the metho folks. Someone reach out to him. I simply cant to a racist who identifies Aboriginal people as "the problem" [-X
deflection alert,
:lol: :lol: no idea as usual just the usual AFL bash in an attempt to feel better about your empty life :)))

hunt has spoken in the article about what it takes to be an AFL athlete, unlike the NRL where it takes a whole heap more effort than just juicing up on roids & jogging up and down a field throwing the ball sideways!
every year clubs ask more from their players, its not only the indigenous players who struggle with the demands and lifestyle & opt out of the game.
hence that would contribute to the drop of indigenous players in the AFL system.

for someone that has claimed to have traveled up to NT clearly have no idea about their culture!, but just go crapping on about the AFL

can we see some figures of indigenous players in the NRL, of 10 years ago up until today?

Re: In which code did racism rear its ugly head once again ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:17 pm
by leagueiscrap
AFLcrap1 wrote:
leagueiscrap wrote:
King-Eliagh wrote:
Woeful...and this when the national % of the Indigenous population has increased at a rate never before seen in Australia over the past 6 or so years.

I've discussed the need for the AFL to work more with remote Aboriginal communities and the hicks in here like TLPG and others all tried to shoot me down suggesting the AFL does all it can and if they try more they'll ruin communities. The most unconscious racist thing I've heard in years this rubbish. It's mentioned in the article that the AFL need to review their policy, targets prob aren't the best way. They should start with addressing the inherent racism and then work on partnerships and funding remote communities for increased participation and opportunities. Hard work but well worth it if its done right.

The afl will likely do nothing tho and instead fund millions towards supporting entirely useless pursuits in India and China.

Again that organisation never ceases to astound us how woeful it is on this stuff. [-X [-X [-X
the AFL spends millions spending time in and with Indigenous. the problem lies deeper with in the communities, what has been around well over a century. :thumbleft:
The big problem with the drop if Indigenous, is the demands, dedication & professionalism it takes to be an AFL player,

CODE hopper Karmichael Hunt has provided a fascinating insight into what he could get away with off the field as an NRL player but couldn’t in the AFL.
The three-sport star is now headed to Super Rugby’s Queensland Reds after four years in the AFL with the Gold Coast Suns.
But his journey started in rugby league, with the Brisbane Broncos, where he says drinking was a bigger part of the culture than in the AFL.
“The demands of AFL footy mean you need to be in peak condition,” Hunt told Triple M’s Grill Team in Brisbane.
“For most of the year you need to be able to knock out 12km or 13km on the weekend.
“In terms of the culture of going out and enjoying yourself after every game, that does not happen whereas in rugby league, because the physical demands are a lot lighter compared to AFL, you could find boys out enjoying themselves.
“I certainly did when I was younger because I knew that the next week it would not affect me.”

Hunt said the biggest issue he had in adapting from rugby league to AFL was the extra running.
At the Broncos, he weighed in at roughly 93kg. Hunt reached as much as 100kg as rugby player in France in 2009-10, while that weight dropped down to 87kg as an AFL player.
“It wasn’t that I couldn’t play the game,” Hunt said.
“Other than the running capacity and the ability to cover the ground like the boys obviously do so well in the AFL, I could play.”
The 27-year-old added that he was happy to be going back to a code, in rugby union, that better suited his physical make-up.
“I’m looking forward to the future. My body shape, genetics and all that will probably agree with me that I’m going back to a game that will better suit me.” ... 7045087963
:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Maybe the fact that the highest profile indigenous fumbler can have racist jokes made about him & the perpetrator was given a wet lettuce leaf slap as punishment might deter some from being involved..

Plus having 2 non whitey parents is a no no & a big incentive for teams to NOT want A PLAYER.
yes thats why numbers are dropping off
can we see the rule about this one white parent rule, spazza? :)))
seeing you have so much time trolling AFL related websites! go and dig up some figures on indigenous players currently playing in the NRL, see if they have dropped off as well.