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Death of One Nation

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:56 pm
by Beaussie
One Nation 'dead': Ettridge
December 29, 2004 ... id=2442173

ONE Nation will never again be a credible force in Australian politics and it existed only in the minds of a handful of "lonely" people who were "clinging to a cadaver", the party's co-founder said today.

One Nation co-founder David Ettridge, who is no longer connected to the party, said the organisation he started with Pauline Hanson was dead.

His comments come a day after One Nation New South Wales Upper House MP David Oldfield announced he would leave the party next year and serve the remainder of his term as an independent.

Mr Oldfield's departure leaves just two parliamentarians serving under the One Nation banner, Queensland state MP Rosa Lee Long and Queensland senator Len Harris, who lost his place in the last election and will retire on June 30 next year.

"I really think the party is non-existent," Mr Ettridge said.

"It exists in the minds now of a handful of people who are clinging to a cadaver and those people I think are just lonely souls who need somewhere to go for monthly meetings."

One Nation's steady erosion began in 2000, two years after the Hanson-led movement won 11 seats in the Queensland parliament.

It has been plagued by disunity ever since, Mr Ettridge said.

Mr Oldfield was forced into leaving the party because of its lack of popularity, Mr Ettridge said.

"This is the essence of David Oldfield's move – the One Nation party could not pass an audit test by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)," Mr Ettridge said.

"It simply doesn't have enough members and he's forced into being an independent no matter what happens because he simply can't remain registered as a party."

Mr Oldfield today rejected the claim and said extra members' details were lodged with the AEC when he left the party to keep membership numbers at the correct level.

"That's just ridiculous, the numbers are appropriate," Mr Oldfield said.

Mr Oldfield was voted into the NSW Legislative Council in 1999 as a representative of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party, but quit that party in 2000 when he helped to found One Nation NSW.

Both Mr Ettridge and Ms Hanson made separate unsuccessful efforts to win Senate seats in the November federal election.

Both were previously jailed for 11 weeks for electoral fraud before their convictions were overturned on appeal.

Mr Ettridge is no longer in contact with Ms Hanson or any of his former One Nation colleagues and sees no future for himself in politics.

"I have no faith in it, no belief in it and certainly no future in it."


Do you think this is the last we will hear of One Nation? Certainly was a disaster for the party at the November federal election.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:06 pm
by crocodileman
One Nation has been reborn under the guise of Family First. It's amazing what people will do in the name of fundamentalist christianity - re-electing Howard and Bush!

And there's always the Liberal Party!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:28 pm
by lescygnes
family first are a fraud.

and a shame to the country.

and shame on Labor of all parties to let petty politics let a family first get a senator to thwart the Greens via preferences.

pathetic stuff and reason why i will never vote labor again.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:24 pm
by Beaussie
lescygnes wrote:
pathetic stuff and reason why i will never vote labor again.
I'm with you mate, I'm now a convert to the Greens. I will always however prefer a Labor government over a coalition government.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:39 am
by lescygnes
but in NSW elections, you can exhaust your preferences therefore indicating neither. which is nice and handy in the inner city where the libs have no chance!!!!