Pete__09 wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:53 pm
He is talking about participants not TV ratings liebomber.
Seriously how many kids play Rugby League in QLD. I would say not that many as most of them play soccer, cricket or AFL.
Most obviously play soccer & cricket in QLD but I would say Rugby League, Rugby & AFL would be about the same in participation numbers.
you stupid fumbling spa^stic
" participants " ??
such a cop out term , we all know the fumblers count anyone who has been " forced " to .. participate ... in a auswank session at school ... hell theres some reports they include every kid in the school even tho most never fumble , bumble or miss
disgusting filthy liars
participation means nothing
soccer is the most played sport in QLD , but its A league team is about as popular as the Broncos NRLW team
no one watches it.... anywhere
very much like the bumbling embarrassment from Vicderpia
RL is the states only sport that matters
lots of people want to play it... but can't .. its too hard , too physical
so they watch it instead , similar to the NFL in the USA.... easily the most watched sport ... but playing numbers certainly don't reflect this , when it comes to what those people play tho ...
they play safe
aflol & sooker
the ridiculous claim by the CEO of racistball that QLD is a drops & giggles state is contemptibly laughable
& only koolaide slurping deluded tosspots would believe what hes saying