Casey Donovan

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Casey Donovan

Post by Yamirra19 »

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Post by dogsact »

Shes a slob.
Willis 21
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Post by Willis 21 »

Needs to cut her lunch down from 3 big macs to 2...
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Post by Beaussie »

Casey with the guidance of Guy Leech has apparently lost a lot of weight recently.
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Post by Willis 21 »

Did he cut one of her legs off??
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Post by Yamirra19 »

I cant believe people can be so nasty and cruel, Casey actually has a medical condition and yes she went through hell after Idol because of idiots in the media having goes at her and running her down constatley.

She is getting her life on track and people are so sad and pathetic that they have to pick on people becuase of what so she is overweight but she is also a great person and a great singer someone I have a lot of admiration for.

This is a girl who is so down to earth always has a nice word to say to fans, and is very mature for her age stop trying to make your own pathetic lives seem great by putting down others grow up and stop trashing others

Small minded people with pathetic lives makes me wild

Casey is an Inspiration to our Children IMO especially to our young Indigenous kids, lets them know that dreams can come true.

Casey's original music is great and she is a great live performer so dont take my word for it go to the brass monkey and see for yourself :)

I will be there so will my man we both adore Casey as do many many people I know and only loosers pick faults in others very sad people
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Post by LisaJ »

Willis 21 wrote:
Did he cut one of her legs off??
Funny man, but no, like Beau said, Guy apparently has been working wonders for Casey...let hope she cuts out the booze and the ciggies and her weight loss will be even faster...
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Post by Willis 21 »

She needs to lose weight ( although I've not seen a picture of her for while) because she is obese and might be dead by 40 or with such a range of health problems may as well be ...

I'm not sure how much of an inspiration she will be if she is in the ground or with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems...

Exercise and a proper diet seems long over due if you ask me... :|
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Post by yeenar69 »

Casey gave up smoking ... the answer to the rapid weight gain .... and saying that a 19 year old girl is better dead in the ground is a little cold one would think .... obesity is common in Australia Casey is not alone and with attitudes like yours no wonder it is high great to make people feel good about themselves hey :evil:

But most of all everyone forgot that she was 16 when she won idol and went thru some personal family problems ... not so easy for a young girl to deal with

But yes she has lost 11kg and is fighting her way back thru exercise and avoiding junk food ... You go Casey
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Post by Yamirra19 »

Willis 21 wrote:
She needs to lose weight ( although I've not seen a picture of her for while) because she is obese and might be dead by 40 or with such a range of health problems may as well be ...

I'm not sure how much of an inspiration she will be if she is in the ground or with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems...

Exercise and a proper diet seems long over due if you ask me... :|
Do us all a favour and either grow a brain or grow up you moron :)
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Post by Willis 21 »

Yamirra19 wrote:
Do us all a favour and either grow a brain or grow up you moron :)
Bite me.
Willis 21
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Post by Willis 21 »

yeenar69 wrote:
. and saying that a 19 year old girl is better dead in the ground is a little cold one would think ....
Did I say that? :roll:
obesity is common in Australia Casey is not alone and with attitudes like yours no wonder it is high great to make people feel good about themselves hey
Instead of trying to justify obesity in teenage girls, perhaps we should be "encouraging" them to lose weight through proper diet and exercise instead of blaming "health problems"...
But most of all everyone forgot that she was 16 when she won idol and went thru some personal family problems ... not so easy for a young girl to deal with
Oh boo hoo... Who forced to enter the show at 16?? maybe if she is so sensitive then someone should have told her to wait a few years until she could handle it hey??
But yes she has lost 11kg and is fighting her way back thru exercise and avoiding junk food
Exactly my point... lay off the big macs and get some exercise..
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Post by Yamirra19 »

Willis 21 wrote:
yeenar69 wrote:
. and saying that a 19 year old girl is better dead in the ground is a little cold one would think ....
Did I say that? :roll:
obesity is common in Australia Casey is not alone and with attitudes like yours no wonder it is high great to make people feel good about themselves hey
Instead of trying to justify obesity in teenage girls, perhaps we should be "encouraging" them to lose weight through proper diet and exercise instead of blaming "health problems"...
But most of all everyone forgot that she was 16 when she won idol and went thru some personal family problems ... not so easy for a young girl to deal with
Oh boo hoo... Who forced to enter the show at 16?? maybe if she is so sensitive then someone should have told her to wait a few years until she could handle it hey??
But yes she has lost 11kg and is fighting her way back thru exercise and avoiding junk food
Exactly my point... lay off the big macs and get some exercise..
Your a dead set idiot, you have no clue about being overweight I have suffered sever depression I know I use food when I am upset loosing weight is bloody well hard.

Fact Media Knew Casey suffered depression from a car accident when she was younger thats why she gained all that weight. The media didnt care they just attacked her its morons like you that cause depression bullying etc

I went through hell at school through idiots like you bullying and being damn nasty and you want to justify your bad behaviour well I have lost any respect for you after your ignorant comments in this particular thread this is a topic close to my heart I am an overweight woman and I dont eat a lot of big macs actually I hate them I love my vegies etc I have lost over 13 kgs now but its bloody hard I am lucky my partner who met me when I was at my largest has supported me and loved me through this transition and gives me a great load of strengh love and support we need more people like him in the world he loves me for who I am not what I look like

You need to grow up stop bullying and learn to be humble as you are not a very nice person and your attitude on this issue just shows people in this forum just what a negative nasty person you really are
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Post by LisaJ »

I actually don't see anything wrong with post. Weight gain/obesity is a big issue in Australia especially amongst children, wether it be through over eating/lack of exercise/depression/ or just plain old bad diet, it is a big issue.

Eating a balanced diet, along with regular exercise does help with weight loss and also increases self esteem, which in turn leads to a healthier life style and less depression. Some forms of depression however does require medical intervention, but not all.

If Casey does not address her weigh issues now, which she has been, she will be heading down the path of diabetes, worse depression and will be dead by 40. That is fact. You can get as defensive as you want, but the fact remains, society does not like seeing fat people on tv or as part of their video hits programs, society on a whole likes skinny people or those who look healthy.

Willis post is not bullying, its just pointing out fact and if what your saying is true about Casey having a diagnosis of depression before she hit the spotlight, then why was it not medicated and addressed before hand?

I guess too, you have to recognise the fact that not everyone likes Casey as much as you do...
Willis 21
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Post by Willis 21 »

Yamirra19 wrote:
Willis 21 wrote:
yeenar69 wrote:
. and saying that a 19 year old girl is better dead in the ground is a little cold one would think ....
Did I say that? :roll:
obesity is common in Australia Casey is not alone and with attitudes like yours no wonder it is high great to make people feel good about themselves hey
Instead of trying to justify obesity in teenage girls, perhaps we should be "encouraging" them to lose weight through proper diet and exercise instead of blaming "health problems"...
But most of all everyone forgot that she was 16 when she won idol and went thru some personal family problems ... not so easy for a young girl to deal with
Oh boo hoo... Who forced to enter the show at 16?? maybe if she is so sensitive then someone should have told her to wait a few years until she could handle it hey??
But yes she has lost 11kg and is fighting her way back thru exercise and avoiding junk food
Exactly my point... lay off the big macs and get some exercise..
Your a dead set idiot, you have no clue about being overweight I have suffered sever depression I know I use food when I am upset loosing weight is bloody well hard.

Fact Media Knew Casey suffered depression from a car accident when she was younger thats why she gained all that weight. The media didnt care they just attacked her its morons like you that cause depression bullying etc

I went through hell at school through idiots like you bullying and being damn nasty and you want to justify your bad behaviour well I have lost any respect for you after your ignorant comments in this particular thread this is a topic close to my heart I am an overweight woman and I dont eat a lot of big macs actually I hate them I love my vegies etc I have lost over 13 kgs now but its bloody hard I am lucky my partner who met me when I was at my largest has supported me and loved me through this transition and gives me a great load of strengh love and support we need more people like him in the world he loves me for who I am not what I look like

You need to grow up stop bullying and learn to be humble as you are not a very nice person and your attitude on this issue just shows people in this forum just what a negative nasty person you really are
You need to take some deep breaths methinks...

I have not mentioned anything about your situation...I don't really think its relavant...

I am discussing a teenager who entered a nationally televised talent show of her own free will in the hope of finding fame and fortune...

Well, guess what.. media and others do criticise these people and it doesn't matter if they are fat, thin, ugly or pretty, some people will generally find negative things to say about people....

I get pissed off when people use the excuse that " she was only 16 when she won blah blah.. " as some sort of an excuse to justify not exercising or eating badly...

And the "medical condition" excuse" :roll:

I notice that this hasn't prevented her from losing some weight when she decided to make changes to her lifestyle...

What about kids that go through much worse things than that like losing a parent or sibling, or getting a terminal disease???

I find their stories much more inspiring than any things this reality show wannabe has done...

Australia is now the second most obese nation on earth and rapidly catching up to the US.. We really need to start thinking about ways to address this situation NOW...

Kids need to be taught good eating habits and and exercise from an early age and develop these habits throughout their lives...

This makes a tremendous difference to the quality of the lives they will lead...

And as far as using depression as an excuse for eating.. Fark me dead, Aussies don't know how good they have it...

I have lived in Indonesia for the last 2 years, and you should see the hardships that the average person has to go through every day to earn a living and provide for their family... There is no welfare and governement hand outs here to fall back on...

But generally they are able to live their lives with grace and good humour and without gigantic chips on their shoulders that you seem to have developed....
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