AFL spoils Test Cricket!

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AFL spoils Test Cricket!

Post by Terry »

Former test fast bowler Geoff LAWSON correctly calls out namby pamby AFL 'footballers' who can't handle running on different soil types. The sooks have demanded drop in wickets in the fumbleball states. However these benign wickets have ruined test cricket wherever they are used.

Wouldn't you think these self proclaimed 'skillful' athletes would be able to handle running on different soil and grass types??? Nope!!! The unco dopes demand ovals be like billiard tables so they can prance around like ballerina's without losing their questionable balance. Talk about precious. Dig 'em up and replace 'em with the real thing and let the fumblers eat cake I say!!!

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Adelaide Test shows AFL footy and drop-in pitches have a lot to answer for
Geoff Lawson

What did we learn in 180-odd overs of the Adelaide Test? We learnt that the modern Adelaide Oval still looks like a cricket ground rather than a sports stadium. The renovations for the spectators have worked without reservation.

What has changed – and I look from the perspective of someone who played many times on that billiard table outfield and concrete slab pitch – is the pitch.

Drop-in pitches have become de rigueur on major multipurpose sports fields because footballers can’t cope with some grassless patches and a change in soil type as they run through the centre of the ground. The homogeneity of a football surface is anathema to cricket played with variety.
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