Draft Fight Club Guidelines and Suggestions

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Re: Fight Club Guidelines

Post by TLPG »

King-Eliagh wrote:
TLPG wrote:
Whilst the general gist of the Forum Guidelines in general are relaxed here, the following is strictly prohibited.

1. Extreme personal attacks
2. Slandering any code
3. Racial discrimination - including the reverse variety
4. Any negativity - promote your sport with positives in debate, or keep it neutral and level. That promotes healthy debate.

Two threads have been created that these guidelines do not apply to. One guideline though does apply even to those threads - and that's being on topic. Personal attacks would be off topic on those threads because I for one won't be reading the AFL attack thread (Mark can mod that).

I should point out that this is a Fight Club and there are two sorts of fighting. Fighting between grown adults - also known as debating - and fighting between non-adults. Debating is done by adults. Insults and so forth are done by non-adults. Now I'm all for being a kid now and then - hence the stickied threads for venting. But I'm also for robust adult debate AKA adults fighting like adults.
Alrighty folks here's my take on the guidelines for the fight club, as promised. I really hope we can get some consensus in the near future on this.

1. Extreme personal and/or threatening attacks i.e. posts that discriminate a member on the basis of race, sexual orientation, gender and age. Additionally posts that personally threaten another members safety and security is strictly prohibited.

2. Discrimination in any of its forms. Including racial, sexual, gender and age.

Please note the use of the word extreme in the first guideline. Calling members names such as Peanut, Baboon, F'wit, Cumstain, scrotum, ****'f'brains etc etc etc, in relation to something they may have said on a topic is fine, if members feel the need to vent in this way go for it!

The second guidelines refers to posts about any member of any society.

Please note this board is about fun and some good ol fashioned, ocassionally rough, banter. The "FightClub NRL vs AFL is not a place for those who do not understand, and cannot post by, the old educational saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" - as long as the names are within guidelines 1 and 2.

That's my guidelines. I think they are pretty good and adhere to the traditional meaning of the Fight Club as well as provide some additionaly clarity for members and moderators. Please comment and critique as you feel necessary, I know I'm the first member to provide a reformed set of guidelines so am open to your feedback.

Also note I am not for the sticky threads that TLPG has created for 'attacks on the NRL and AFL'. As I've said before I liken this act to creating separate rooms for children that need controlling. Also note that I am currently (although if he shows he can change I may change my mind) against TLPG continuing his moderation of the fight club if these rules are to apply. I'm ok with him keeping his moderator status on the umpteen other boards he currently controls.

As far as I've seen in here, especially over the last 6 months, the guidelines I have created have rarely been broken therefore they would be easier to moderate.

I hope our members agree with them and look forward to hearing feedback :)

Yours Sincerely,
Completely disagree with the statement under the second guideline. Such language is not acceptable in any way. I will oppose such a guideline with every fibre of my adult being. It should also be pointed out that KE's idea of "banter" and the realistic interpretation are poles apart and should not be taken at face value. His view of the most recent blasts between Raider and Onions are proof of this. They wreck forums and should be stopped.

As for you, Raider, I'm getting sick of your attacks on me in general.
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Post by TLPG »

I am consistent. End of.

Edit: Slander by both KE and Raider of me removed. There is enough here now for other members to comment on KE's altered guidelines and I don't have to add anything that I haven't already said about them. He has no further need to comment except to answer any questions others have (unless those queries contain blatant personal attacks on me).
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Re: Fight Club Guidelines

Post by Beaussie »

Ok, things appear to have got a bit out hand in here lately. As of now, if you have an issue within Fight Club, you can report it directly to myself via PM.

From what I can gather from this thread, only TLPG and King-Eliagh have put forward reasonable and constructive ideas to garner community consensus for fair play in the Fight Club. For that I appluad you both. Personally, I would like to see a combination of both their suggested guidelines implemented and am open to any other suggestions others who have an interest may put forward. Guidelines will be finalised shortly. If you have an interest in these issues, please put forward your suggestions for consideration now.

Please note, as of now, extreme personal attacks on members will not be tolerated and I encourage members who feel aggrieved to contact myself or a site moderator directly.
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Post by King-Eliagh »

Beaussie you cant just say 'extreme' without some definition. This is a major part of the problem. For some here being called a Peanut seems to be an extreme personal attack. While for others this is like water off a ducks back. I prefer my analogy of sticking to the proverb "sticks and stones ... ..."

But what is your position? Or what is your definition, as Admin of this Site, of "extreme personal attacks"? If you dont define for us we will continue to be confused.

xman wrote:
KE, why is an even comp important?
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Post by Beaussie »

King-Eliagh wrote:
Beaussie you cant just say 'extreme' without some definition. This is a major part of the problem. For some here being called a Peanut seems to be an extreme personal attack. While for others this is like water off a ducks back. I prefer my analogy of sticking to the proverb "sticks and stones ... ..."

But what is your position? Or what is your definition, as Admin of this Site, of "extreme personal attacks"? If you dont define for us we will continue to be confused.
And likewise what you may consider "water off a ducks back" or sticking to the proverb "sticks and stones..." may not be considered in the same light by other members. That seems obvious.

The interpretation of extreme personal attacks is deliberately broad to encompass what I've just stated above. To avoid any confusion, I strongly suggest you resist all forms of personal attacks, particularly if you are already aware that another member already has issues with such behaviour. You would rememeber that the Fight Club - Fan vs Fan board was removed from this site alltogether for that very reason. Play the ball, not the man.
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Post by Beaussie »

Children alright. I would have no problem with the banter if they could at least stay on topic as well in their posts.
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Post by MarkZZZ »

I have purposely kept away from the forum for a few days. The idea of a "fight club" as part of the forum may have been a good idea but has been left to get out of hand. It may not be clear to either you Beau or TLPG but your actions in the fight club have only promoted the growing antagonism in that part of the forum.

Beau, you called for ideas as to what to do a couple weeks back and my suggestion was to try and eliminate negativism about other codes but try and promote your code by posting positives. What I didn't expect was to log in and see two new threads devoted to attacking the code that we don't follow. What did you think that was going to do TLPG.

Like I said I decided to take a break from the forum due to constantly shaking my head after reading some comments and the realization that some people on here are not to be reasoned with. They have their thoughts and ideas and no matter of reason and facts would make them understand that most people are here for fun not to fight.

I do recall reading that the fight club was there to promote good natured "banter" etc. It is clear that some here just don't get it.

I will come back to the forum. I will moderate but will keep my moderation very low key..
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Post by Beaussie »

MarkZZZ raises some very valid points. Would be interested to hear what others think of what MarkZZZ has described above.

Must admit, I struggle at times to balance promoting the positves of my beloved code without getting drawn into the debate about the negatives of it or another code. I think I'm far from alone when it comes to that.
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Post by Onions »

There is no balance! That fucking kid Raider Boy makes it his business to attack the AFL and he needs to be fucked over. And what do you do? Do a TLPG and delete it!! He needs to be attacked for his bullshit and the world needs to see it!! His pissant sport is a joke and we all know it and deep down he knows it and just won't admit it.

So I ain't stopping until he is run out of town!!
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Post by Onions »

By that rule, no one should respond to Raider Boy either! He never contributes like an adult! He can't! He's a fucking kid! Comment contructively? He doesn't know the meaning of constructive! He makes Baron Munchausen look like a saint!
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Post by King-Eliagh »

Personally I think Onions is ok. Atleast the young laddette has a go and can take it on the chin if someone has a go at him.

I find it interesting that Player, AFFP and Hammerhead wish to leave this forum. Could you all not simply choose to leave this board if you do not like how it is turning out? As that is all you seem to have a problem with. In actual fact this board is now more like what it has always been, well before the time you chaps came along. So it could be quite perplexing to some why you are leaving so abruptly.

But I know better. You all simply rocked up to support TLPG's cause. He invited you all and you never really had the intention to contribute to this site, you only wanted to contribute to TLPG's aims. This was a big part of the problem IMO as none of you recognised or respected the tradition of the fight club forum. So if you choose to leave good riddance to you three prize wankers.

MarkZZZ thanks for your contributions. It was great to see a moderator who took some distance from the debates and provided a very objective view on the whole situation. And then, even though your earlier good advice appeared not to be respected by Beaussie or TLPG, rather than packing your kit and taking off like TLPG's supporters, you are mature enough to continue on and contribute here at TF, even in a mod role. =D> This is the sort of members I would love to see more of at talking footy. It epitomises what I'm talking about when I say people here at the Fight Club need to have 'thick skin' and have the maturity to deal with things when people have different opinions

So after all is said and done so far do we have some agreed guidelines that can be set for this board yet?

xman wrote:
KE, why is an even comp important?
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Post by Beaussie »

King-Eliagh wrote:
So after all is said and done so far do we have some agreed guidelines that can be set for this board yet?
Just about there I reckon. That aside, I miss the contributions of TLPG in Fight Club. This place needs TLPG I reckon. Come back TLPG. Comon
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Post by MarkZZZ »

Beaussie wrote:

Must admit, I struggle at times to balance promoting the positves of my beloved code without getting drawn into the debate about the negatives of it or another code. I think I'm far from alone when it comes to that.
I know it's the "fight club" and a bit of good natured ribbing is fine but it's a bit sad when someone can't find something positive to say and have to resort to constantly having a go at trivial things ( like someone's car being stolen (OK not trivial to him) as if it's somehow a negative for the NRL) or something not trivial (like dugs in sport when we all know that it happens in all sports and try to make that a negative for the NRL)

Each sport has it's followers, those followers believe their game is the best. Saying we had the better TV deal or we get the most to our game is such a substratal way of gauging the success of a game. What would happen if next time the NRL gets a bigger deal than the AFL what do all the AFL pundits say then? I can guarantee they will not drop to their knees and hail the great game that is Rugby League so don't expect it in reverse.

It's like a schoolyard "mines bigger than yours" we all know bigger isn't always better, don't we boys?

Lets all have a dig, lets al have a laugh but keep it fun and civil.
Last edited by MarkZZZ on Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onions »

You just described yourself with that load of tripe, Raider Boy! You're yet to to give us an adult argument, an adult sentence......fuck you can't even put paragraphs together! Look at that above me! It's all over the fucking place!

I don't need to elaborate because your stupid posts speak for themselves! And you're too fucking stupid to see it! I'm calling you out and all you do is whine and carry on like the scared little school boy you are, and then run and mile instead of facing me and my challenges to you to BACK UP what YOU are saying!!
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Post by King-Eliagh »

Hmmm, after reading Onion's work today I tend to agree Raider so I might reneg on my comment.

Onions you lil headless turkey with terrets syndrome, pull your swearing head back onto your body and show some more coordination and relevance in your posts. You've becoming a raving mad loony! Look I know Raider has sent you there with his wit and relevance but for crying out loud pull yourself together man and snap out of it!

So with that said I must agree with Marks last post once again. I can see Mark is all for relevant posts with some banter attached if the poster wishes. That's fine by me so hows about we construct some guidelines. I've already put in my suggested ones so could someone else construct another set which encompasses Mark's views?

xman wrote:
KE, why is an even comp important?

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