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Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:42 pm
by cos789
ParraEelsNRL wrote:
Things are starting to happen in India huh?
You read the statement correctly . Amazing. Progress is being made.
ParraEelsNRL wrote:
you clowns think your whitey game will take off there?
A very racist remark better applied to the English game of mutant rugger, heh what, by jove.

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:31 am
by Cracker
cos789 wrote:
Cracker wrote:
cos789 wrote:
There is no disputing that Australian Football is played in over 60 countries around the world.
I dispute it. Perhaps you could provide more links than what NRLCrap1 has provided?
If you dispute it, then where are your links ?
Oh good heavens above, how on earth can anyone prove that something doesn't exist? It's up to you to prove that it does, my friend. There's a saying. "You can not prove a negative in debating" Have you heard of it?

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:44 am
by AFLcrap1
Has it dawned on you yet?.
The brains of Ínternational Fumbleball Zealots are missing something.
They live in a fantasy land

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:13 am
by Cracker
Well let's see how they respond shall we?

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:56 am
by cos789
Cracker wrote:
cos789 wrote:
Cracker wrote:
cos789 wrote:
There is no disputing that Australian Football is played in over 60 countries around the world.
I dispute it. Perhaps you could provide more links than what NRLCrap1 has provided?
If you dispute it, then where are your links ?
Oh good heavens above, how on earth can anyone prove that something doesn't exist? It's up to you to prove that it does, my friend. There's a saying. "You can not prove a negative in debating" Have you heard of it?
I am well aware that, so why the hell are you "disputing" the facts when you have no facts to back up your disputation. I question whether you rl types have an ouze of grey matter in your collective heads but if I was to actually to have a dispute, I could post lots of evidence to back up my disputation which i wouldn't need if I was merely to question the former fact.

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:16 pm
by Cracker
You are yet to provide any facts. You are only providing opinion. Back them up with facts/links. Post your evidence. Prove that what you say is fact. At present there are no facts so ergo it is fiction.

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:40 pm
by 214Four
cos789 i cant believe these guys cant get their head around the fact that AFL is growing internationally and RL is not. there obviously jealous and just dont want to accept the facts. all they need to do is check out wikipedia and its clear as day! AFL is booming overseas! New zealand Afl numbers growing, AFL number 1 sport in PNG and nauru.

cos789 it must frustrating when you keep telling these morons how you know for a fact that AFL is played in over 60 countries and just because these RL fans cant hack the truth they then ask for proof, just to waste your time.. why do you need to prove to them when you have stated facts?! They need to provide the links prooving their claim that AFL is not played in over 60 countries or else their comments are just lies! isnt it funny how they can never find any evidence or links on their claims! something needs to be done to keep the integrity of this forum, The leagueies cant just say what they want without any proof or links. Goose!

:_<> :shock: :?> ](*,)
apologies for the large space, I thought id give you some time to get your head around what you just read. that was a parody into the minds of two very special members of this forum, cos789 and NRLcrapper. their psyche and warped perception are only usually seen in people on a lethal dose of LSD or those that have spent decades in solitary confinment. Mary's brother from the movie 'theres something about mary', leonardo dicaprio character in "whats eating gilbert grape" and even Bad Boy Bubby himself have nothing on these two!
cos789 wrote:
Cracker wrote:
cos789 wrote:
There is no disputing that Australian Football is played in over 60 countries around the world.
I dispute it. Perhaps you could provide more links than what NRLCrap1 has provided?
If you dispute it, then where are your links ?
:shock: WOW!!! that is all...

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:25 pm
by cos789
Cracker wrote:
You are yet to provide any facts.
What's the International section then ???

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:46 pm
by cos789
214Four wrote:
cos789 it must frustrating when ......
People don't even know the meaning of the words that they are using.

I've left a large space for people to reflect on that statement.

So far the case for the negative in this "dispute" is "sorry, we cannot back up our case, because we cannot prove a negative" and so the case must by default go to the positive.

You're only other option now is to disprove the facts of the positive case.
Now, historically I've posted a lot of facts about Australian Football overseas.
You don't seem willing to take the effort to re-visit these so I'll make it easier for you.
Let's go through the list again.

One by one.

So there is no confusion and end this dispute forever and no other morons will re-visit it.

Countries that play Australian Football.
01. Australia

Ok, even a moron is going to dispute that.

02. NZ. Any dispute ????


Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:06 am
by NRLCrap1
Cracker wrote:
You are yet to provide any facts. You are only providing opinion. Back them up with facts/links. Post your evidence. Prove that what you say is fact. At present there are no facts so ergo it is fiction.
There's an International section that has everything you are fricking demanding, goose!!

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:58 pm
by AFLcrap1
NRLCrap1 wrote:
Cracker wrote:
You are yet to provide any facts. You are only providing opinion. Back them up with facts/links. Post your evidence. Prove that what you say is fact. At present there are no facts so ergo it is fiction.
There's an International section that has everything you are fricking demanding, goose!!
:(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/ :(/

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:25 pm
by Cracker
I think a series of rolling eyes emoticons would be more appropriate, AFLcrap1.

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:13 pm
by NRLCrap1
Too afraid to go in there, Crack up?

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:40 pm
by Cracker
No, I expect the links to be placed here for reasons of responsibility.

Re: Report Card .International AFL

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:51 pm
by cos789
Cracker wrote:
No, I expect the links to be placed here for reasons of responsibility.
60 odd countries is a lot so I expect you acknowledge the playing of Australian Football in some countries
to save time.

So again, do you acknowledge Australian Football is played in NZ?

It is a very easy question and it's you who is both kicking up the fuss and
dragging his feet at the same time. At tyhe present rate of resolution
it's going to take years.

waiting, waiting, waiting.